Boost Your BoutiqueĀ Blog

Burnout and Exhausted are NOT a Prerequisite for Success

boutique boutique business brick and mortar brick and mortar boutique buying inventory for your boutique emily benson entrepreneuership how to make money in a boutique how to open a boutique how to open a retail store how to start a boutique retail boutique start a boutique starting a boutique Jul 02, 2021

And if someone tells you otherwise- run.

You can’t do it all. You shouldn’t have to. The expectations you’re setting on yourself... would you ask them of your best friend?

One thing I’ve learned the hard way over my 10+ years of entrepreneurship is that if you want to be still in the game in 10 years, you need help and rest.

“Doing it all” is a trauma response. Something from your childhood taught you that YOU alone have to carry the burden of the house, kids, job, business, bills...

But YOU CAN CHANGE. Ask your spouse for more (or frankly just stop doing the things you can’t or don’t want to do). Hire help for $100-200 a week. Get a babysitter to watch the kids. Say no to the people asking you for ridiculous requests.

In @rachrodgersesq ‘a new book WE SHOULD ALL BE MILLIONAIRES, she argues the case that when women have more money, we have more power. I’m here for that. We NEED to gain more economic power in our homes and our country. Everytime we say yes to something we hate, or lose money because we couldn’t set a boundary, we are playing right into the powers that be, who’d like to keep women in “their place.” This also goes for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized people.

I set a goal for myself last year that I wanted to help scale more boutiques to $1M a year in gross revenue. @letthemwearcupcake is going to do it this year (and probably sooner than we projected!)

Who is next?