Want to start an online boutique? {New Boutique Owners MUST READ}
Mar 27, 2020
We have a problem in the boutique industry. Women get excited about selling fashion. They do all the legwork to order merchandise, set up their store, their website and social media accounts.
And then 2-6-52 weeks later, they find me. Talking about how to solve the problems they’re having.
Somewhere in that time period, they send me an email or post in The Fashion Truck Tribe. The post goes a little like this:
“I need your help!!!! I opened a store and I have no sales. Please tell me what to do. Critique my website. Tell me what’s wrong… why do I have no sales (besides my mom and sister). HELP!”
I hear you. You need ideas. You need to know WHY this is happening to you. You need to be saved.
My quick answer… it’s happening FOR YOU. For you to learn whatever lesson you need to learn.
Maybe it’s about working on your mindset (this is most women!)… or learning proper online marketing strategies… or you need a cheerleader. In 2011, when I wanted to start The Fashion Truck, none of this existed. There were 1-2 other trucks I could find. There were no boutique communities in Facebook Groups, there were no books and certainly no mentors.
80% of boutiques fail in the first 3 years. Why? 3 reasons: 1. They run out of money, 2. The owners have a lack of education and 3. Not outshining the competition.
Your investment in education will help you NOT run out of money and show up as a shiny boutique owner who customers love. But buying clothes and putting up a website isn’t going to cut it anymore… it’s just not enough.
And you need to know… there’s going to be a lot of free information out there. But if you REALLY want to be saved… you might need to dig deeper inside yourself. Or you might need to pay for help.
My best advice for you: Look inside yourself, hard. Have you REALLY given it your all to sell your heart out? Are you TRULY being consistent with your actions in your marketing?
I believe in you... probably more than you believe in yourself. I know you can have a successful boutique you work in full time and make a full, living salary. I know because I've done it. Time for you to do it for yourself!
Want to learn more about why NOW is the best time to open an online boutique? Consider getting my exclusive new podcast series for new boutique owners. You can get it for FREE by entering your email here: www.boutiqueceo.com